Most Common Site Migration Questions

Migration FAQ

Is There a Cost?

Most cPanel to cPanel or Plesk to Plesk migrations with root access on both servers typically do not incur a charge unless there are special circumstances or unforeseen complications arise.

Any other type of supported migration typically would be charged.

Our migrations team makes the determination on what, if any, charges could be required, based on the specific circumstances and any special considerations related to your servers.

How Long Does it Take?

Most migrations can be completed in a few days, but every migration is different and there are a number of factors that can either add to or reduce the amount of time involved. Among them:

  • Server size and disk usage: The data on the affected account(s) must be copied over at the beginning of the process and later synced after you have had a chance to test the sites. Obviously, a small partition that’s only partially utilized could require only a few minutes to duplicate, while copying a full, extremely large partition could take a number of hours.
  • Your availability: Once the data is initially copied over, you will need to edit your local computer’s hosts file and test the sites on the new server. We will respond to any issues you report, and work with you to resolve them as quickly as possible. There is no time limit on this phase, and the pace is entirely up to you. We will not proceed until you have signed off on the sites as they exist on the new server, and once you have, we then will schedule a final sync if possible and schedule the DNS switchover at a time of your choosing.
  • DNS propagation: We do lower the Time To Live (TTL) on the sites early in the migration process (assuming we have access to the DNS records) in an effort to speed up propagation, and typically sites will be visible on the new server within a few hours, but it still can take up to 24-48 hours for DNS changes to fully propagate globally.
  • migration, faq, questions, cpanel, plesk
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